Contract Drafting

The consequences of imposing an unjust contract obligation are not always clear at the start. The freedom to contract is a delicate balancing act. At WK, we believe that drafting a well-orchestrated and clear contract is essential for the smooth operation of any project.  This also preserves the interests of our clients and makes the obligations of their counterparts clear and unambiguous.

We also understand that one size does not fit all. Amongst many other considerations, we factor in the location of work, and the origin of both parties, in order to ensure the contract adequately reflects the project objectives.

Pre-Contract Negotiations

Although one party may have a clear vision of the form of contract that is in its best interests, this may conflict with the intention of the other party. The subtle art is in bringing the two sides together as quickly as possible, so that project implementation can begin immediately upon the signing of the contract document.

At WK, we apply a process which identifies the core objectives of the project, the appropriate procurement strategy, and clarifies how to sensibly distribute the risk profile. This is difficult, and requires an open, honest, and systematic approach.

We find we can address these challenges by encouraging parties to agree on core principles at the outset. This means that tricky questions are resolved through abiding by the principles set out in a joint policy. In our experience, taking this approach minimises the risk of hidden agendas.

Project Control

Using our legal expertise we can find hidden opportunities in all facets of the construction delivery process. This means understanding the key legal principles on which bespoke strategies rest, and dealing with common contract administration challenges.

This knowledge is captured in WK’s own project control system (which is under continuous development and improvement), which will offer practical and prescriptive support to project teams.

Contract Administration

Our contract specialists are highly skilled in contract administration – in particular in the processes and procedures necessary to manage the negotiation, the execution, the performance, the modification, and the termination of contracts between all contracting parties.

This skill derives from an understanding of the law (the why), and serves as a necessary foundation to strategically implementing the method (the how), and the scope (the what).

At WK we have a solid understanding of the principles underlying the complex contractual machinery. This enables us to develop innovative solutions to the unique challenges of the project at hand.

Project Structure & Budgeting

The careful management of the procurement process is essential to ensure good value. Purchase of correct goods or services, maintaining a high level of quality, and meeting time-scales, are all key to keeping good relationships between the procurer and the supplier.

Our priority is establishing a well thought out procurement strategy at the outset and securing optimal arrangements for our clients. We weigh constraints, risks, and stakeholders’ drivers
and evaluate them according to the unique attributes of the project.

At WK budgeting is realistic, and cost estimates are based on benchmarking that we combine with regular market-testing processes, and other data sources to enable robust cost control.


During the tendering stage, we perform thorough and methodical pre-qualification activities, including assessing technical and financial capacity, to ensure that our clients engage only the most competent and proven suppliers and specialists.

At WK we manage the entire tendering process, including presenting outcomes using a clear, accurate, and balanced scoring system to facilitate assessment of the available options.


In any project, even the carefully planned, unexpected events happen. This may require that the planned events be modified. To ensure project success, it is essential to control these alterations to prevent unwarranted delays or disruptions.

Our schedulers monitor and update project schedules using innovative techniques designed to minimise the impact of any identified delaying events. Our planners too use their wide construction experience to optimise the use of resources in relation to allocations, extents, quantities, and levels of skill.